This portfolio presents a small sample of documents and articles that Caroline has written or edited for the indicated companies.
Documentation for developers
- Adobe: PDF Reference, Third Edition (Addison-Wesley, 2001) and PostScript Language Reference, Third Edition (Addison-Wesley, 1999) (coauthor and coeditor)
- Apple: Discovering Carbon: A Procedural Approach to Developing Mac OS X Applications (coauthor); Inside Macintosh, Volumes I–III (Addison-Wesley, 1985) (principal author and editor)
- NeXT: NeXT System Reference Manual (coauthor and editor)
- Marimba: Castanet Glossary, describing terms related to their application and content distribution and maintenance product (author)
- AMD: Evaluation of their Software Optimization Guide for the AMD Hammer Processor (author)
- Collaxa: Manipulating XML Documents in BPEL (author)
- Nokia: Designing Java Applications for Series 60 (editor)
System administration guides
- PSS Systems: Atlas Administrator’s Guide, for their document retention system (editor)
- SkyPilot Networks: SkyPilot Network Administration, for their wireless broadband solution (editor)
- BigFix: BES System Administrator’s Guide, for their security and systems management product (editor)
Articles for developers
- Netscape: “Directories and LDAP: Universal Access to Directory Information,” published online and in Netscape DevEdge Web Developer’s Library (IDG Books Worldwide, 1999) (author)
- Rational Software: Case study, “Net Explorer and O Store,” and editorial, “Quality on the Web: Who Cares?” (author); “Content Management Using the Rational Unified Process, Part 1: Overview” (before, during, and after editing) and “Applying the Rational Unified Process: A Web Service Sample” (before, during, and after editing) (editor)
- Apple: develop, The Apple Technical Journal, Issues 6–29 (editor in chief)
User documentation
- HotPaw Productions: Instructions for iAutoharp, an iPhone application (author)
- TidBITS: Ebooks on subjects including maintaining a Macintosh, GarageBand, passwords in Mac OS X, and running Windows on a Macintosh (editor)
- Bare Bones Software: BBEdit 7.0 User Manual (editor)
- NeXT: Getting Started, NeXT User’s Reference, and NeXT Applications (coauthor and editor); WriteNow For Macintosh (author of reference chapters and editor)
Editorial style guides
- Nokia: Forum Nokia Style Guide (author)
- Marimba: Marimba Documentation Department Style Guide (author)
- Rational Software: Rational Developer Network Content Style Guide (author)